
listen to the singing bowl ...

Een klankschaal is een bijzondere oosterse instrument dat bij het aanslaan een rijk en complex samenspel van klanken weergeeft. Het hieruit resulterende geluid en het bijhorende gevoel is voor iedere klankschaal anders. Zo heeft u schalen voor therapie en healing, schalen voor relaxatie en ontspanning, schalen voor diepe meditatie, ... enz. Klankschalen bespelen vergt geen ingewikkelde techniek en is nagenoeg door iedereen aan te leren, zonder enige muzikale achtergrond. Dat verklaart ook meteen het succes van deze mooie instrumenten. De schalen worden gebruikt voor behandelingen, therapieën, relaxatie, massage, klankbad, harmonisatie, rituelen, sound journey, concerten ... enz.

Klankschalen zouden zijn vervaardigd uit zeven edelmetalen: goud, zilver, kwik, koper, ijzer, tin en lood, maar eerlijkheid gebied ons te zeggen dat dit moeilijk te achterhalen valt. Het is belangrijk dat u bij het uitzoeken van uw klankschaal uitgaat van uw gevoel. "Wat doet deze klankschaal met mij", "wat voel ik" zijn hierbij essentiële vragen. Het uitzicht van de schaal, de herkomst, de mysterieuze verhaaltjes en de samenstelling zijn eigenlijk niet belangrijk. Uw gevoel vertelt u wel welke schaal u nodig heeft.

Indien u reeds klankschalen in uw bezit heeft en u wenst uw collectie verder aan te vullen, is het wenselijk dat u uw eigen klankschalen meebrent naar onze winkel, zodat u klankschalen kan uitkiezen die bij uw huidige klankschalen passen.


Bij Merlyn bieden wij verschillende soorten klankschalen aan, hoofdzakelijk afkomstig uit India en Nepal:

  • Bengali klankschalen: De Bengali klankschaal is het meest verkocht model. Ze zijn er in veel verschillende maten, van klein tot heel groot, van 10 tot 60 cm doorsnede. Deze klankschalen zijn prachtig klinkende, krachtige klankschalen van eerste kwaliteit. Deze klankschalen zijn op een ambachtelijke wijze gemaakt volgens oeroud procedé. Ze worden met de hand gesmeed door vakmensen, dus absoluut niet machinaal gedraaid. De nieuwe Bengali klankschalen hebben meerdere toonlagen, welke lang doorklinken met vele zwevingen. De klank van deze klankschalen wordt door veel mensen gewaardeerd. Oude klankschalen hebben een mystieke sfeer om zich heen hangen. Het jarenlange gebruik is te zien aan de klankschaal. Hier en daar zijn uitgesleten versieringen zichtbaar. Evenals de hamerslagen van de maker van de klankschaal op het metaal. Oude klankschalen worden steeds zeldzamer in Azië.
  • Manipuri klankschalen: Kenmerkend voor de Manipuri klankschaal is de vlakke, ondiepe vorm. Het zijn oude schaaltjes, die ambachtelijk, met de hand geklopt zijn. Veel schaaltjes hebben kleine versieringen op de rand of op de bodem, door het vele gebruik inmiddels wat afgesleten. Vanwege de klankkleur worden deze klankschalen voornamelijk voor het hoofdgebied gebruikt. Ze worden ook wel hogerbewustzijns-schaaltjes genoemd. Deze schaaltjes gaan heel snel melodieus samen en zijn daarom makkelijk te gebruiken voor een concertje. Omdat dit kleinere klankschaaltjes zijn en licht van gewicht, zijn ze ook leuk voor mensen die een klein budget hebben.
  • Gegraveerde klankschalen: Dit zijn Bengali klankschalen waar een donker patina op is aangebracht en vervolgens met een gravering versierd.
  • Geëtste schalen: Deze klankschalen uit Nepal zijn rijk versierd doordat ze geëtst zijn, maar klinken daarbij ook nog eens heel mooi. Door een speciale bewerking zijn ze op toon gebracht. Voor degenen die een schaal met een diepe lage toon zoeken is de geëtste schaal misschien een goede keus.
  • Kleine machinale klankschaaltjes: De kleine machinaal gemaakte klankschaaltjes hebben een heldere, hoge klank. Deze klank met z'n boventonen helpt ons te focussen, te centreren. Net zoals bij Zen-meditatie het doel is om ontspanning, maar tegelijkertijd concentratie te creëren. Meer informatie vind je hieronder.
  • Peter Hess® klankschalen: Deze klankschalen zijn ontworpen door de Duitse klankschaaltherapeut Peter Hess en in Nepal vervaardigd volgens heel nauwgezette specificaties. Hieronder vind je een overzicht van de verschillende schalen
  • Kristallen klankschalen: deze fantastische klankschalen zijn niet uit metaal gemaakt en horen bijgevolg niet thuis op deze pagina. U vind ze hier.

Alle klankschalen die wij in onze winkel te koop aanbieden, zijn door ons persoonlijk geselecteerd.


Deze kleine klankschalen (Ø 7 - 9cm) zijn gemaakt uit zeven edele metalen en kunnen niet met de hand vervaardigd worden. Eerst worden de metalen gemengd en gesmolten, daarna wordt het materiaal gewalst en in een machine in de juiste vorm geperst, daarna afgewerkt, en gepolijst.

Deze populaire Zen klankschaaltjes worden veel in tempels in Japan en China gebruikt. Ze hebben een heldere hoge klank. De boventonen zijn ondanks de kleine diameter van de schaal makkelijk en zonder al teveel inspanning te creëren.

PETER HESS® Singing Bowls

Peter Hess® quality singing bowls have been refined throughout 20 years of experience with sound massage, sound massage-therapy and sound pedagogics. This means these singing bowls are especially designed with sound massage and therapy in mind. Depending on the body part it is used for, the bowls reach a specific range of sounds.

In two factories in Nepal these bowls are produced especially for therapy use. Either 7 or 12 metals are used and during the production the bowls are being selected. After the import they are being selected the last time. Highest quality.

These singing bowls are carefully checked and then classified into different categories according to quality and specifications.The following types have been developped by Peter Hess:

Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowl

These singing bowls have been developed especially for the Peter Hess sound massage from over 20 years of practical experience. Just after having passed several quality controls are they offered under this trademark. They consist of 12 different metals and are produced traditionally. therapy singing bowls are chosen according to outstanding requirements. These bowls are characterized by a very slow beat frequency which is especially suited to induce a state of relaxation. These singing bowls create uniquely clear, harmonic sounds and a clean row of overtones. They have a wonderful slow beat frequency right until the sounds fade away.

Peter Hess® Sangha-Meditation Singing Bowl

This singing bowl is manufactured within a fully different forging technology and therefore becomes a unique in the world of singing bowls. Its sound is fantastically long and particularly clear. You may well apply the Sangha singing bowl everywhere where working professionally with sound. Obtain sound experiences amongst others during:

Meditations, sound and imaginary voyages, concerts, making music, aura care, sound tapestry, before and after yoga, introduction and finale of events, centring of groups – attention – resonance. Thanks to its very gentle but consequent range of sounds the Sangha singing bowl may be well applied additionally also in sound massage.

Peter Hess® ZEN-Singing Bowl

Zen singing bowls are modeled after japanese Rin-singing bowls. Because of their special composition of metals and their manufacturing the volume of sound is much more intense. The sound of this singing bowl is clear as a tuning fork. They are mostly used for the head area.

Peter Hess® ASSAM-Singing Bowl

This singing bowl received its name after the region its flat shape originated from. ASSAM-singing bowls distinguish themselves through a very clear sound which, compared to ZEN bowls, according to its shape is very open. These singing bowls are not forged but cast from its metals. To optimize the sound the maximally feasible amount of tin was used. These bowls are usually used for the head area.

Peter Hess® Mini singing bowl set "4 Kids"

= baby joints bowl + baby heart bowl + low baby pelvis bowl

A singing bowl set especially suited for babies and small children. The weight, the size and form of these Peter Hess quality singing bowls are designed in a way to allow parents to make the first important sensory perceptions together with their infants. Babies can already feel the pleasurable vibration very intensely and it helps them to develop a feeling for their bodies. The sense of basic trust can be enhanced via sensing the singing bowls.

Especially suited for the use in hospitals, on the premature infants ward or in toddler groups.

BOEKEN over klankschalen - BOOKS about singing bowls

Ton Akkermans

"Het witte veld, zeven tonen van de stilte" - Ton Akkermans & stichting Odebaer

Dit verhaal gaat over een jongetje dat op tweejarige leeftijd door zijn ouders naar het klooster wordt gebracht om daar monnik te worden. Een prachtig, inspirerend en meeslepend verhaal over de geschiedenis van de klankschaal, dat zich 5600 jaar geleden afspeelt.
De schrijver voert je mee terug in de tijd naar de Himalaya. Vanuit zijn diepe herinnering beschrijft het verhaal hoe er toen geleefd, gebeden en gedacht werd. Het laat zien dat er veel oeroude wijsheid verloren is gegaan. De klankschaal was een middel om grote ontwikkelingen, vragen en wijsheden in op te slaan, als in een bibliotheek. Ze wisten, de Tibetanen van toen, hoe de mensheidontwikkeling zich zou ontvouwen.

Ton Akkermans heeft een technische achtergrond. Al snel besefte hij dat hij meer met mensen wilde werken en is hij in opleiding gegaan tot creatief therapeut en klanktherapie. Ton heeft achttien jaar gewerkt als antroposofisch heiltherapeut in de kinderpsychiatrie. Als zoon van een smid begon hij met het smeden van klankinstrumenten en klankschalen. Vervolgens startte Ton zijn eigen bedrijf als koperslager-smid en won verschillende prijzen met zijn werk. Later werkte hij op de HU in Amersfoort als docent. Zijn therapeutische en coachingswerk is hij altijd blijven doen en blijven ontwikkelen. Ton en zijn partner Carolina Schomper trekken door Nederland en Europa met een rijdende werkplaats om workshops te geven in het maken van klankschalen en gongs op Tibetaanse wijze en doen beiden energiewerk in huis en natuur.

Peter Hess

"Singing Bowls for Health & Inner Harmony" - Peter Hess

Alleviate Stress, boost creativity, History, Rituals. Including extensive instruction to play singing bowls.:

  • Prevention and therapy with singing bowls
  • Different fields of application from high blood-pressure to muscle tension.

Singing bowls and tradition: an insight to the tibetian history of singing bowls.

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listen to the tingshas ...

tingshaTingsha's - glad

tingshas - om mani pad me hum
Tingsha's - Om Mani Padme Hum

tingsha voorspoedsymbolen
Tingsha's - 8 voorspoedsymbolen

Tingsha's - met drakenversiering

merlyn webshop

Tingsha’s (ding-sha’s, cimbalen) worden gebruikt als muzikale offerandes bij spirituele handelingen, en tijdens de meditatie, op gezette tijden om de aandacht erbij te houden. Deze muzikale offerandes worden gebruikt tijdens puja’s (gebedsrituelen) waarbij meerdere instrumenten een plaats hebben: bellen, trommels, cimbalen en trompetten. Muzikale offerandes zijn zeker gebruikelijk in vele Tibetaans boeddhistische en hindoeïstische rituelen. Tegenwoordig worden ze zowel door leken als priesters gebruikt. Ook zijn ze een vast onderdeel bijfeng shui (het harmoniseren van woon- en werkplekken), tijdens meditatie, het reinigen van ruimtes en lichamen, genezing en op gelijk niveau brengen van energie.

Voor welke doeleinden kan ik tingsha’s gebruiken?
Je kunt de twee sc
hijfjes tegen elkaar aanslaan, om een prachtig heldere hoge toon te maken, die lang blijft hangen, de atmosfeer zuivert en een buitengewoon gevoel van stilte oproept. De sprankelende toon van een tingsha resoneert meteen in ons hart. Je kunt ze gebruiken om de aandacht weer te richten, om ons bewust te worden wie wij zijn en wat onze prioriteiten zijn in deze vaak turbulente schijnwereld. Als we ze naast elkaar hangen en ze dan tegen elkaar laten komen dan ontstaat er tussen die twee een prachtige, vibrerende klankgolf, terwijl ze een hoge geluidstrilling produceren – een indrukwekkende symfonie van diep doordringende klanken.

Tingsha’s en feng shui
Tingsha’s worden ook gebruikt bij feng shui om de energie in een ruimte te zuiveren en weer onbelemmerd te laten stromen, door ze in de vier hoeken van de ruimte te laten klinken. Een prachtige manier van energiezuivering als werken met wierook geen optie is!

Tingsha’s en helen met klank
Omdat ze een helend en balancerend effect hebben op onze aura worden ze ook toegepast om het begin en het eind aan te geven van een meditatieperiode. Er wordt gezegd dat het gebruik van tingsha’s werkt als een manier om onze aandacht in het hier en nu te houden.

Hoe berg je tingsha’s op?
Zoals bij veel altaarattributen is het aan te raden om ze in doek te wikkelen als ze niet worden gebruikt.

Versiersels van tingsha’s
De gietvorm kan versiering aan de bovenkant hebben – meestal met draken, de mantra Om Mani Padme Hum, de acht Tibetaanse voorspoedsymbolen of gewoon glad afgewerkt.

Samenstelling van tingsha’s
Elke tingsha wordt apart gegoten in diverse metaallegeringen, meestal bestaande uit minimaal drie verschillende. De meeste cimbalen zijn gemaakt van brons, dat voornamelijk bestaat uit koper en tin, waaraan soms kleine hoeveelheden nikkel aan worden toegevoegd. Tingsha’s van een betere kwaliteit bevatten wel zeven of meer (tot wel twaalf) metalen waardoor ze een krachtige harmonische resonantie geven als ze worden aangeslagen.

Ceremony of the Hungry Spirits:
A particular number of Monks (4, 7 or 12 ) go to the banks of a lake. They sing harmonics and sound the "thing shaks" twice or three times. This way they summons the spirit of the owner of the "thing shak". It is not permitted to have direct visual contact with the spirit that is why the Monks wear special hoods over their faces so as they can only see the surface of the water and the reflections in it. (Reflection communicates with higher life). The spirit is probably summoned for a spiritual lesson which enables the Monks to consider their problems from a different perspective. When the spirit wishes to break contact, the Monks sing subharmonics which are so shimmering that they cause a wave to rise up on the water. The wave helps the spirit to separate himself from the earthly level to which he has been summoned.

Alle tingsha's die wij in onze winkel te koop aanbieden, zijn door ons persoonlijk uitgekozen en op klankkwaliteit geselecteerd.


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Bell & Dorje

De handbel en dorje zijn de voornaamste rituele objecten in het Tantrisch Boeddhisme. Traditioneel worden ze samen gebruikt, de bel in de linker hand, de dorje in de rechter. De dorje vertegenwoordigt compassie en is het mannelijke principe. De bel symboliseert wijsheid en leegte en ook het vrouwelijke principe, hoe verschijnselen echt bestaan. Het zijn rituele voorwerpen, die vooral tijdens de gebedsdiensten ofwel puja's worden gebruikt. Ook in andere tradities als het Tibetaans boeddhisme zien we het gebruik van Dorje en Bel zoals in het Hindoeïsme; in India en zelfs op Bali worden de Dorje en Bel symbolisch gebruikt.

De bel en dorje stellen ook de passieve en actieve kwalitieten voor, die enkel de perfectie bereiken wanneer ze samen worden verenigd, een beetje te vergelijken met Yin en Yang in de oude Chinese tradities.

Deze Dorje en Bel zijn met de hand gemaakt volgens een aloude metaallegering, met een mooie antiek finishing en scherp gesneden details. De bel kan ook aangedraaid worden met een houten klopper, al dan niet bekleed met een laagje leder. De bel & dorje set symboliseert ook de 3 aspecten van de Boeddha:

Body: The body of the bell, respect for a healthy body like Buddha
Speech: The sound of the bell, correct speech like Buddha
Mind: The dorje, positive like Buddha


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Peter Hess® ZEN BELL:

The closed shape and high weight of this newly developed Zen Bell makes for a unique, concentrated and long lasting sound.
The bell is especially suited for the third eye.

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oorsprong: India

merlyn webshop

Deze fijnklinkende belkoordjes bestaan in 3 uitvoeringen:

  • 1 koord met 12 kleine belletjes
  • 1 koord met 12 middelgrote belletjes
  • 1 koord met 9 grote belletjes






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Meinl energy chimes

The MEINL Planetary Tuned Energy Chime - Earth - 2177,60 Hz / C7#

  • Length: 17.42 cm
  • Width: 3.4 cm
  • Height: 4.6 cm
  • NET Weight: 140 g
  • Tuning: 2177,60 Hz / C7# - A4/a' 440 Hz  432.09 Hz
  • Features:
    • Handcrafted masterpiece
    • Silver anodized aluminum alloy
    • Exact fine tuning
    • Includes wooden beater
    • Hot-branded logo and tuning info
    • Made in Thailand

Meinl energy chimes

flower of life

The MEINL "Flower of Life" Energy Chime - 2048 Hz / C7

  • Length: 17.5 cm
  • Width: 3.4 cm
  • Height: 4.6 cm
  • NET Weight: 136 g
  • Tuning: 2048 Hz / C7 - A4/a' 440 Hz  430.54 Hz
  • Features:
    • Handcrafted masterpiece
    • Silver anodized aluminum alloy
    • Exact fine tuning
    • Includes wooden beater
    • Hot-branded logo and tuning info
    • Made in Thailand

Meinl energy chimes

Meinl energy bars

The MEINL Planetary Tuned Energy Chime - Chakra Set

  • 1 Set with 7 Energy Chimes
    • Energy Chime 1: Root Chakra - Muladhara (Survival) - Synodic Day 3106,88 Hz / G7
    • Energy Chime 2: Sacral Chakra - Swadhisthana (Sexuality) - Synodic Moon 3366,72 Hz / G7#
    • Energy Chime 3: Navel Chakra - Manipura (Power) - Sun 2019,52 Hz / B6
    • Energy Chime 4: Heart Chakra - Anahata (Love) - Earth 2177,60 Hz / C7#
    • Energy Chime 5: Throat Chakra - Vishuddha (Communication) - Mercury 2260,32 Hz / C7#
    • Energy Chime 6: Brow Chakra - Ajna (Intuition) - Venus 3539,68 Hz / A7
    • Energy Chime 7: Crown Chakra - Sahasrara (Spirituality) - Platonic Year 2752,96 Hz / F7
  • NET Weight: 1550 g
  • Features:
    • Handcrafted masterpiece
    • Silver anodized aluminum alloy
    • Exact fine tuning
    • Includes wooden beater
    • Hot-branded logo and tuning info
    • optional carry case
    • Made in Thailand

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listen to the tubechimes ...

merlyn webshop

Tube ChimesThe particularity of the tube chimes is their very long sustain. According to the size it lasts between 1 and 2 minutes. Copper tubes from lie horizontally in elastic threads on a frame of ash-tree. They are struck with sticks from hard rubber which are covered with felt or cloth. One can put hand-resonators over the vibrating soundtubes - these are tubes from aluminium, which have an especially tuned aircolumn - and so they modulate their echo.

Tube chimes are available in different pentatonic and diatonic scales with a range of two octaves.

D Pentatonic- two octaves - L 69cm x B 59cm
C# Raga HANSADWANI - A=432Hz - L 69cm x B 62cm
The Call of the Swan - Sa Re Ga Pa Ni Sa (C# D# F G# C C# D# F G# C C#)
Evening raga, for Celebration and Happiness
C Diatonic tenor range - two octaves - L 100cm x B 71cm


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Awakening Bell

merlyn webshop

An instrument for meditation, sound healing and relaxation.

When the Meditation Bell is sounded, the everlasting overtones of the bell naturally put the listener into a Theta state of mind, which is a relaxed state characterized by deep calm. The tone of the Meditation Bell resonates with an area of the brain that helps control stress. Through this resonance we experience a lightness and sense of well being.




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Metallofoon met 8 kleurgecodeerde staven

  • Materiaal: Dennenhout (frame)
  • Bereik: Eén octaaf (C tot C)
  • Afmetingen: 25,7 x 10,7 cm
  • Inclusief: twee houten mallets

Metallofoon met 12 kleurgecodeerde klankstaven

  • Materiaal: Dennenhout (frame)
  • Bereik: 1,5 octaaf (A tot E)
  • Geleverd met: twee houten mallets
  • Afmetingen: 38 x 12 cm
  • Gewicht: 490 g

Metallofoon met 15 kleurgecodeerde klankstaven

  • Materiaal: Dennenhout (frame)
  • Bereik: 2 octaven (G tot G)
  • Geleverd met: twee houten mallets
  • Afmetingen: 46,5 x 13 cm
  • Gewicht: 600 g

Gebogen metallofoon met 8 kleurgecodeerde staven

  • Materiaal: Dennenhout (frame)
  • Bereik: Eén octaaf (C tot C)
  • Afmetingen: 25,7 x 10,7 cm
  • Inclusief: één houten mallet

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Shanti windchimes

Na meer dan 20 jaar is de productie van de prachtige Shanti windchimes in 2009 stopgezet. Intussen zijn twee nieuwe bedrijfjes opgestart die opnieuw fantastische windorgeltjes produceren: KOSHI en ZAPHIR (zie hieronder).

Après plus de 20 ans, la production des superbes carillons Shanti a cessée en 2009. Entretemps deux nouvelles entreprises ont été créées: KOSHI et ZAPHIR (voir ci-dessous).

After more than 20 years, Shanti stopped its production in 2009. Two new companies were founded to produce similar chimes: KOSHI and ZAPHIR (see hereunder).


Zaphir windchimes

Zaphir windchimes

merlyn webshop


De Zaphir windgong is een echt muziekinstrument. Ieder onderdeel is door gekwalificeerde ambachtslui volgens het oorspronkelijke Shanti ontwerp met de hand geassembleerd in hun atelier aan de voet van de Pyreneeën.

Acht staafjes zijn met zilver aan een metalen plaat gelast aan de onderkant van de resonantie buis. Nauwkeurig afgestemd ontstaat een spel van heldere, boventoonrijke tonen. De boventonen van de kortere staafjes gaan geleidelijk aan overheersen en worden zo de grondtoon. Iedere chime heeft een specifieke magische klankkleur en kan samen met de andere types bespeeld worden. Breng de gong voorzichtig aan zijn touwtje in beweging, of laat het opgehangen aan het plafond, een muur of een tak met de wind spelen. Een kristalhelder ontspannend geluid zal u snel betoveren. Dit en een nieuwe manier van stemmen geeft het geluid nog meer diepte en rijkere boventonen.

Alle windorgeltjes hebben dezelfde afmetingen. De lengte is +/- 125 mm, de diameter +/- 65 mm. Het geluid van de Zaphir windorgeltjes is ook absoluut geweldig voor kinderen. Maar om veiligheidsredenen moeten ze niet worden gegeven in handen van kinderen jonger dan drie jaar oud.


le carillon ZAPHIR
La fabrication de ces carillons, bien connus depuis 1992 sous la marque Shanti, a été complètement innovée en 2010, afin de pouvoir assurer à nouveau la création d' un instrument de qualité, avec un son cristalin riche en harmoniques. Grâce à 25 ans d'expérience dans la création de ces carillons, et en étroite coopération avec les artisans qualifiés de notre atelier, le carillon, "Zapir" est maintenant, à nouveau, disponible en diverses nouvelles tonalités et couleurs.

Tonalités et accordage: les melodies des 5 tonalités respectives ont été obtenues par l'accordage des 8 cordes , chaqune à une différente longueur bien précise et soudées à l'argent dans une rondelle en métal. Après l'assemblage de l'instrument dans la tube de résonance, le carillon est à nouveau accordé à la main, à fin de raffiner l'interaction des harmoniques fondamentales dans un mouvement circulaire et infini.

Les dimensions du carillon corroborent les principes naturels de l'équilibre liées au "nombre d'or", se révèlent fondamentals pour la qualité des ondes sonores. dimension cylindre : hauteur +/-125mm, largeur +/-65 mm.

Boîte de résonance: la paroi de la boîte de résonance consiste de couches très fines en cellulose de bois 'longue fibres', calandrées sous haute pression Par un enroulement spiralé et étanche des multiples couches, un cylindre fin, dur et flexible est obtenu; des qualités acoustiques indispensables afin d'assurer le timbre chaud du son cristallin du Carillon Zaphir.

Décoration: pour sa decoration une technique bien specifique de marbrure "la peinture à l'huile sur l'eau" a été développée par notre atelier, ce qui donne au carillon son design unique dans une gamme de 20+1 nouvelles couleurs.

Protection: l'extérieur de la boite de résonance a été protégé par une couche vernis à base d'eau, "Ecolabel, normes Jouet - EN71-3" ; l'intérieur par une peinture à base d'eau, "Green Label", Les pièces en bois, teintées noir, ont été cirés.

Entretien: pour une utilisation à l'extérieur; nettoyer et repasser une couche de vernis à base d'eau, de temps à autre.

L'expérience nous montre que nos carillons sont simplement très résistants ; après bien des années, la mélodie crystalline risque de vous surprendre, à nouveau, . . et encore . . !

Son utilisation: Les différentes tonalités avec chacune leur timbre spécifique, combinées avec leur design coloré, permettent d'associer les fréquences naturelles des saisons, des éléments et des chakra's. Elles sont souvent utilisées au travers de thérapies sonores pour la relaxation ou le bien-être ... Malgré l'effet magique du carillon sur les bébés et les enfants, ce n'est pas un jouet, le tenir hors de portée des plus-petits...
Balancez doucement le carillon en le maintenant par son cordon ... A l'extérieur, le placer à l'abri de la pluie... Une brise légère suffira à vous surprendre sur une mélodie inattendue...


The ZAPHIR windchime is an authentic musical instrument. Each part is being hand made by dedicated craftsman in the Zaphir workshop in the heart of the Pyrenees, in the original design that was created for the Shantis. Eight rods of different length are welded with silver into a metal plate at the base of the resonance tube. Through precise tuning of the different tonal ranges - following the natural principles of the law of equilibrium, called "the Golden Ratio" - the harmonic progression of tones switching into overtones gets into a circular flow.

All Zaphir chimes have the same dimensions. Cylindre: Length +/-125 mm, diameter +/- 65mm.

Use: The different tunings and specific timbres of the Zaphir chimes, combined with their coloured design, may join the natural frequencies of seasons, the elements, or chakras, and are often used in sound therapies, for relaxation or healing. Allthough the sound has a wonderful effect on babies and children, the chime is not a toy. Hold the instrument by the upper cord and move it gently. Outside, sheltered from rain a light breeze will stirr an unexpected melody... . All chimes are the same size: cylindrical, height +/-12,5 cm, width +/- 6,5 cm, weight 155 gr. Zaphir chimes come in several tunings, each with its specific magic timbre, and in seven basic colours with a choice of different shades.


Er zijn 5 melodiën beschikbaar ... Cinq accords sont disponibles, chacun ayant son propre timbre magique ... Following 5 tunings are available:
  Crystalide (de lente) - Sol Si Re Sol La Si Re La (G B D G A B D A) merlyn webshop

De lente, het ontwaken, helder en fonkelend.
Le printemps, à l'éveil de la nature, des plantes et des animaux. Le son est clair et éclatant comme les étoiles.
Springtime, the awakening, clear & sparkling.

  Sunray (de zomer) - La Do# Sol# Si Do# Mi Sol# Mi (A C# G# B C# E G# E) merlyn webshop

Stralende zomer, viering.
La chaleur d'un été rayonnent. Il fait penser à des fêtes, à la célébration de la vie.
Radiant summer sound, celebration.

  Twilight (de herfst) - Mi Sol Si Do Mi Sol Si Do (E G B C E G B C) merlyn webshop

Kleurrijke herfst, overvloed.
L'automne avec tout ses magnifiques couleurs et sa chaleur apaisante. Il peut éveiller des pensées d'abondance et de confiance.
Colorful autumn, abundance.

  Sufi -Fa La Re Fa La Sol La Re (F A D F A G A D) merlyn webshop

Spiral Dance

  Blue Moon (de winter) - Re Fa La Si Do Mi La# Do (D F A B C E A# C) merlyn webshop

Winter, stilte.
Hiver, silence.
Winter, twinkeling silence.

De beschikbare kleuren en hun nuances ... les couleurs disponibles ... the basic colours with a choice of different shades


Koshi windchimes

Koshi windchimes

Koshi windchimes

Koshi windchimes

merlyn webshop

Op basis van zijn 21 jaar ervaring en succes heeft Kabir, de mede-uitvinder van de legendarische Shanti windchimes, een nieuwe windgong ontworpen, met andere materialen, een nieuw design en nieuwe melodieën.

De 'Koshi' windgong is een echt muziekinstrument, een originele creatie van hoge kwaliteit. Elke Koshi chime is handgemaakt aan de voet van de Pyreneën en is het resultaat van nauwgezet vakmanschap. Acht staafjes zijn met zilver aan een metalen plaat gelast aan de onderkant van de resonantie buis. Nauwkeurig afgestemd ontstaat een spel van heldere, boventoonrijke tonen. De boventonen van de kortere staafjes gaan geleidelijk aan overheersen en worden zo de grondtoon. Koshi wind chimes zijn verkrijgbaar in vier melodieën (Terra, Aqua, Aria & Ignis). Iedere chime heeft een specifieke magische klankkleur en kan samen met de andere types bespeeld worden. De klankbuis bestaat uit bamboefineer en is behandeld met natuurlijke olie. Breng de gong voorzichtig aan zijn touwtje in beweging, of laat het opgehangen aan het plafond, een muur of een tak met de wind spelen. Een kristalhelder ontspannend geluid zal u snel betoveren.

Bamboe fineer is veel sterker dan natuurlijk bamboe. Een echte "resonantiebuis" met hoge akoestische eigenschappen wordt gemaakt met dunne laagjes bamboe. Dit en een nieuwe manier van stemmen geeft het geluid nog meer diepte en rijkere boventonen. De diameter van de buis is 6,3 cm en de lengte 16,5 cm, 4cm langer dan de voormalige Shantis. De Koshi kan vermoedelijk buitenshuis gebruikt worden. Net als alle houten voorwerpen, moeten ze dan regelmatig worden behandeld met een beschermende olie. Door gebrek aan langdurige tests, kan de fabrikant helaas het gebruik buitenshuis nog niet helemaal garanderen. Het geluid van de Koshi windorgeltjes is ook absoluut geweldig voor kinderen. Maar om veiligheidsredenen moeten ze niet worden gegeven in handen van kinderen jonger dan drie jaar oud.


Sur la base de 21 ans d’expérience et de succès, Kabir, l’inventeur des carillons Shanti, a développé un nouveau carillon, avec d’autres matériaux, un nouveau design et de nouvelles mélodies.

Le carillon ‘Koshi’, véritable instrument musical, est une création originale de haute qualité. Fabriqué au pied des montagnes pyrénéennes, chaque carillon est le fruit d'une technique artisanale raffinée. Huit cordes sont soudées à l’argent dans une rondelle de métal fixée à la base d’une caisse de résonance cylindrique. L’accord précis crée un jeu de tons riche en harmoniques. Les harmoniques des cordes les plus courtes dominent graduellement et deviennent des notes fondamentales, formant ainsi une série sonore circulaire. Le carillon Koshi est disponible en quatre accords (Terra, Aqua, Aria & Ignis). Chacun a son propre timbre magique et peut être joué harmonieusement avec tous les autres. Le tube est constitué de placage de bambou traité avec de l’huile naturelle. Balancez doucement le carillon en le maintenant par son cordon: le son cristallin et relaxant vous enchantera. Suspendu, il jouera avec le vent et vous emmènera au loin sur une mélodie inattendue.

Du placage de bambou a été utilisé parce que celui-ci est plus solide que le bambou naturel. Un véritable "tube de résonance", d’une haute qualité acoustique, est fabriqué avec des fines couches de bambou. Cela, et une nouvelle technique d’accordage, donne au son plus de profondeur et enrichit les harmoniques. Le diamètre du tube est de 6,3 cm et la longueur est de 16,5 cm, 4 cm de plus que les anciens Shantis. Les carillons Koshi devraient bien durer en extérieur. Cependant, comme avec tous les objets en bois, ils doivent être traités avec une huile protectrice. Je dois admettre que pour l’instant je ne peux vous donner aucune garantie, n’ayant pas assez de recul dans le temps. Le son des carillons est absolument merveilleux pour des enfants. Mais pour des raisons de sécurité, ils devraient être mis hors de la portée des enfants de moins de trois ans.


Based on 21 years of experience and success, Kabir, the inventor of the world renowned Shanti chimes, has developed a new chime, with different materials, a new design and new melodies.

The ‘Koshi’ chime is an authentic musical instrument, an original creation of high quality. Hand made at the foot of the Pyrenees mountains, each chime is the result of meticulous craftsmanship. Eight chords are welded with silver into the metal plate at the base of the resonance tube. Precise tuning creates a play of clear tones that is rich in overtones. The overtones of the shorter chords gradually dominate and become fundamentals, thus forming a circular tone range. Koshi chimes come in four tunings (Terra, Aqua, Aria & Ignis). Each has a specific magic timbre and can be played harmoniously with all others. The tube, made in our workshop, consists of bamboo veneer treated with natural oil. Move the chime gently holding it by its cord: the crystalline, relaxing sound may leave you in quiet wonder. Outside, as it plays with the wind it will carry you away on an unexpected melody.

I have used bamboo veneer as it is much stronger than the natural bamboo. A true “resonance tube” of a high acoustic quality is made with thin layers of bamboo. This and a new tuning technique that I developed give the sound even more depth and enrich the harmonics. The diameter of the tube is 6,3 cm and the height is 16,5 cm., 4cm longer than the former Shantis. The Koshi chimes should be good for outdoors use. However, like all wooden objects, they must be regularly treated with a protective oil. I have to admit that for now, without time experience I can’t yet give any guarantee. The sound of the chimes is most wonderful for children. But for security reasons they should not be given in hands of children under three years old.

♪ G C E F G C E G
♪ A D F G A D F A
♪ A C E A B C E B
♪ G B D G B D G A
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koshi koshi koshi koshi
listen to the 4 Koshis in sequence
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Je favoriete Koshi of Zaphir windchime kan je vanaf nu in een prachtige beukenhouten staander hangen.

  • De PISA stand is een schuine staander
  • De TIPI stand heeft de vorm van een tipi
  • Aan de CAROUSEL stand kan je tot 4 windchimes hangen
Koshi / Zaphir stands



Woodstock Chimes

wind chime


"Woodstock Chimes offers a unique variety of high quality, affordable musical gifts from around the world that inspire, entertain and bring pleasure to people of all ages. We design and sell the world-famous Woodstock Chimes and distribute a line of award-winning musical instruments and toys called the Woodstock Music Collection. My wife, Diane, and I started Woodstock Percussion, Inc. in 1979. We are a family-owned business located in New York's beautiful Hudson Valley. In addition to being the founder and owner of Woodstock Chimes, I am a professional musician. I tour and record with the world-renowned percussion group, NEXUS, as well as with Steve Reich. My background in music explains my strong commitment to fine tuning and great sound - which is what makes our products appealing to everyone and unique to the gift industry. I am proud of every product we make and hope you'll enjoy them as much as I do."

Garry Kvistad Founder & CEO Woodstock Chimes

Every part of a Woodstock Chime is weather protected. Over time, however, those layers of protection can begin to wear. To enjoy your Woodstock Chime for years to come, we suggest you hang it in an area that is not exposed to long term direct sunlight and periodically clean it with a damp cloth and mild detergent.


feng shui wind chimes

merlyn webshop

Feng Shui Chimes - 5 elements - L 39cm

The original musical scale for these chimes was derived through chance and divination, by casting coins and referencing the I Ching. It is named for the ancient Chinese system of Feng Shui, believed to facilitate the positive flow of qi (or energy flow). One of the basic principles of Feng Shui is the theory of five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each chime represents its Feng Shui element with a specific colored stone and Chinese character.

Wood Aventurine accents - renewing energy - color = green

Fire Carnelian accents - creative energy - color = red

Earth Tigers Eye accents - nurturing energy - color = brown

Metal Hematite accents - centering energy - color = gray

Water Sodalite accents - calming energy - color = blue


These chimes carry a lifetime tuning guarantee.


Butterfly chime

merlyn webshop

Butterfly chime - L 53cm

This chime's light, airy tones complement the butterfly's carefree dance.

In Robert Frost's first published poem, My Butterfly, he pays homage to the ephemeral beauty of this exquisite creature. We designed this wind chime to do the same. Its gentle tones seem to float on the breeze just like the butterfly as it flutters about our gardens.

It seems forever--
Since first I saw thee glance,
With all the dazzling other ones,
In airy dalliance,
-- From My Butterfly, by Robert Frost

This chime carries a lifetime tuning guarantee.


Chakra chime

merlyn webshop



Chakra chimeChakra chime - L 46,9cm

Tuned to the chakra frequencies, this windchime features 7 chakra stones.

The 7 stones of this wind chime's clapper are aligned in an ascending column, just as the seven chakras are aligned along the spine in the human body.

Woodstock Chakra Chimes combine color and sound to underscore the ancient meaning of the major energy centers of the human body. Eastern Philosophy can be difficult for the Western scientific mind to assimilate and yet, many of the eastern claims are being proven scientifically as the time-honored truths that they are. According to the traditions, there are 7 basic chakras, which correlate to the seven main nerve ganglia emanating from the spinal column, as revealed through modern studies of physiology. Each Chakra location has a unique meaning, orientation and healing potential. Woodstock Chakra Chimes are intended to remind us of the strength of mind over matter and, through sound, give us a small window into the balance of the physical and metaphysical.

The 7 Chakras are:

  • Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra. Its color is violet, and it is related to thought and self-knowledge. It is represented by amethyst.
  • Ajna: The Brow Chakra. Its color is indigo, and it is related to intuition and clarity. It is represented by lapis.
  • Vishuddha: The Throat Chakra. Its color it turquoise, and it is related to sound and self-expression. It is represented by turquoise.
  • Anahata: The Heart Chakra. Its color is green, and it is related to love and compassion. It is represented by aventurine.
  • Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra. Its color is yellow, and it is related to growth and personal power. It is represented by citrine.
  • Svadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra. Its color is orange, and it is related to creativity and enthusiasm. It is represented by carnelian.
  • Muladhara: The Base Chakra. Its color is red, and it is related to physical identity and self-preservation. It is represented by red coral.

This chime carries a lifetime tuning guarantee.


Gregorian chimes

Gregorian chimes

Calm and uplifting - offers a peaceful respite from the hectic world.

Experience the inner quiet that comes from listening to the peaceful patterns of Gregorian chant. Tuned to a medieval scale, this wind chime echoes the vocal music that has been sung as a part of daily devotionals and meditation in the monasteries and churches of Western Europe for more than a thousand years. Many believe this music to have remarkable healing powers. The sound is beautiful, relaxing and mysteriously compelling. Like the free-flowing monophonic lines of the chant, this windchime's resonant tones will surround the listener as the sounds linger in the breeze.

All of the Woodstock Gregorian Chimes - Baritone, Tenor & Alto - harmonize beautifully together.


  • Baritone - 142,2 cm
  • Tenor - 104,1 cm
  • Alto - 73,7 cm

This chime carries a lifetime tuning guarantee.


Rainfall chimes

Habitats Rainfall chime - L 79cm

The cascading sound and look of this spiral chime reminds us of rainfall which nourishes the earth and brings life to all environments.

Our Woodstock Habitats series celebrates the variety of nature around us. From butterflies to blue whales, the Earth teems with life. Areas that sustain life are called habitats, and each habitat is part of an interconnected system that makes the richness of our life on Earth possible.

This chime carries a lifetime tuning guarantee.




Jade chime

merlyn webshop

Jade chime - L 55cm

Jade chimeTuned using the Golden Ratio, this is a sophisticated, elegant chime.

The enchanting sound of this wind chime is the result of a special tuning using the "Golden Ratio." This ratio, discovered by the ancient Greeks, can be found throughout nature. Green jade is a sacred stone of Asia and comes in a variety of shades from creamy sea foam to deep emerald. Jade was often used for buttons, beads and other decorations. Green contains the powerful energies of nature, growth and a desire to expand your horizons. We blended jade-colored stones with other accents to create this beautiful windchime. Let our Jade Chime help to promote change, growth and balance in your life.

This chime carries a lifetime tuning guarantee.


Chimes of Java

Chimes of Java - L 127cm

This exotic-sounding windchime is tuned to the scale of the gamelan degung.

This deep sounding wind chime takes you to the volcanic South Pacific, where magical music is heard every day on the Indonesian island of Java. Tuned to the musical scale of the gamelan degung (suggested to us by the pioneer American composer/instrument builder, Lou Harrison), the Javanese orchestra's intrinsically beautiful music combines simple elements to produce intricate textures. This lush, shimmering sound captivated and inspired musicians from the West such as Claude Debussy and Erik Satie. In fact, Satie first heard a Javanese gamelan orchestra play at the Paris Exposition of 1889 and incorporated its hypnotic effects in his exotic work, Gnossienne. The Chimes of Java will inspire and hypnotize you as you listen to its mysterious melodies.

This chime carries a lifetime tuning guarantee.


Chimes of Lun

Chimes of Lun - L 91,4cm

This windchime has a distinctly Chinese tuning that celebrates one of the world's oldest cultures.

The feeling created by this relaxing and tranquil wind chime is credited to an ancient Chinese pentatonic scale introduced in the 27th century BC by Ling Lun, a court musician under Emperor Huang-ti, the legendary Yellow Emperor. Lun first played this musical scale on pan pipes cut from different lengths of bamboo.¿In Chinese mythology, Lun was said to have created bamboo flutes which made the sounds of many birds, including the mythical phoenix.¿The perfect fifth, the basis of the pentatonic scale, is expressed by the ratio 3:2. Lun designed his flutes based on this principle, believing the relationship of 3 to 2 represented the harmony that exists between heaven and earth. In ancient China, music was seen as central to well-being and longevity.

This chime carries a lifetime tuning guarantee.


Chimes of Olympos

Chimes of Olympos - L 91,4cm

The Chimes of Olympos is tuned to an ancient Greek pentatonic scale.

The original Woodstock Chime!

This mysterious and soothing wind chime plays the ancient Greek pentatonic scale devised by Olympos, Phrygian flutist and lyre player of the seventh century B.C. Olympos is given credit for the introduction of the flute into Greece from Phrygia, thus adding a new instrumental sound to that country. It is said that Olympos was also very inventive with rhythm as well which may just qualify him as the original King of Rhythm and Blues. Because of these contributions, Plutarch, the Greek historian and biographer, named Olympos the father of Greek music. Nearly three thousand years later, the bluesy scale of Olympos, tuned in the pure system of "just intonation," is still heard today on the Japanese koto and on a Woodstock Chime.

This chime carries a lifetime tuning guarantee.


Chimes of Orpheus

Chimes of Orpheus - L 137,2cm

Thick-walled tubes are dramatic to look at and offer resonance that lasts.

Our Windsinger Chimes series combines computer-age technology with the very finest artistry and craftsmanship, allowing you to experience a whole new dimension of beautiful sound. Made from super-think-walled aluminum tubes which are specially-suspended, these wind chimes resonate much longer than other windchimes, bathing you in waves of enduring harmony every time the wind blows.

The Chimes of Orpheus pay tribute to the son of the muse Calliope. In Greek mythology, Orpheus was known as a gifted poet and singer who had the ability to charm all living creatures with his song.

Woodstock Windsinger Chimes are musically-tuned using an ancient system known as "just intonation." This means the frequencies at which the different tubes vibrate are related to one another by simple whole-number ratios. Tones that are related in this way produce the purest, most beautiful musical intervals. This chime is tuned to an ancient Chinese pentatonic scale. Hang the Chimes of Orpheus in your garden and let it charm all who visit your home.

This chime carries a lifetime tuning guarantee.


Pocket Chakra chime

Pocket Chakra chime - L 29,9cm

Features seven stones, one for each of the seven chakras.

The seven stones of this wind chime are aligned in an ascending column, just as the seven chakras are aligned along the spine in the human body.

Woodstock Chakra Chimes combine color and sound to underscore the ancient meaning of the major energy centers of the human body. Eastern Philosophy can often be difficult for the Western scientific mind to assimilate and yet, many of the eastern claims are being proven scientifically as the time-honored truths that they are. According to the traditions, there are seven basic chakras, which correlate to the seven main nerve ganglia emanating from the spinal column, as revealed through modern studies of physiology. Each Chakra location has a unique meaning, orientation and healing potential. Woodstock Chakra Chimes are intended to remind us of the strength of mind over matter and, through sound, give us a small window into the balance of the physical and metaphysical.

The 7 Chakras are:

  • Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra. Its color is violet, and it is related to thought and self-knowledge. It is represented by amethyst.
  • Ajna: The Brow Chakra. Its color is indigo, and it is related to intuition and clarity. It is represented by lapis.
  • Vishuddha: The Throat Chakra. Its color it turquoise, and it is related to sound and self-expression. It is represented by turquoise.
  • Anahata: The Heart Chakra. Its color is green, and it is related to love and compassion. It is represented by aventurine.
  • Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra. Its color is yellow, and it is related to growth and personal power. It is represented by citrine.
  • Svadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra. Its color is orange, and it is related to creativity and enthusiasm. It is represented by carnelian.
  • Muladhara: The Base Chakra. Its color is red, and it is related to physical identity and self-preservation. It is represented by red jasper.

This chime carries a lifetime tuning guarantee.


Precious stones chime

Precious Stones chime - L 30,5cm

In Feng Shui, crystals bring good energy to an auspicious area of the home.

Our Woodstock Precious Stones Chimes - Crystal incorporates faceted glass crystal accents, making it as eye-catching as it is pleasing to the ear. In Feng Shui, crystals are often used to bring good energy to an auspicious area of your home.

The Woodstock Precious Stones Chimes is a series of small wind chimes designed using colorful and meaningful accents.



Temple Bells trio

Temple Bells Trio - L 62,2cm

Inspired by ancient Chinese bells, a trio of bells offers a restful tone.

Bells have been used throughout the ages to accompany dance, to provide comfort and to warn of possible danger. The Chinese were the first to control the pitch or note of a bell, making it possible for them to play tunes. Soon bells were being used to accompany worship. On New Year's Eve the bells in Buddhist temples are rung 108 times, once for each of the 108 worldly desires.

In the East bells have become very important and are often decorated with significant symbols. For centuries, tuned bells have been suspended in homes and temples to ward off evil and attract good luck and prosperity. Woodstock Temple Bells are inspired by these ancient bells and work in harmony with the wind to create gentle, soothing tones.




wind chime


Nature's Melody is the premier seller of high quality wind chimes. Using only the best components and tuned by master craftsmen, these musically sounding chimes make a wonderful gift for you and your friends.

This modern designed chime is a fit for every home. It is made entirely of aluminum. The six tubes are musically tuned to individual pentatonic scale producing a rich and soothing sound. With the easy hanging S hook, it can be hung anywhere around the house without the hassle of taking out your toolbox.

  • Six recycled-aluminum tubes with durable powder coat black finish
  • Thick tubing wall creates a longer lasting tone
  • Each tube is precision tuned to individual pentatonic scale
  • Hang under a roof overhang, or on a tree with its easy-hanging S hook
  • Suitable for outdoor use

De moderne vormgegeving van deze windgongen past bij ieder huisstijl. Volledig vervaardigd uit aluminium. De zes klankbuizen zijn stuk voor stuk gestemd volgens een pentatonische toonladder en geven een rijk en rustgevend geluid. Met de eenvoudige S-haak kan de windgong overal makkelijk in en om het huis opgehangen worden.

  • Zes buizen uit gerecycleerd aluminium, met een duurzame poedercoating in zwart
  • De dikwandige buizen creëren een toon de lang aanhoudt
  • Iedere klankbuis is met veel precisie harmonisch gestemd volgens een pentatonische toonladder
  • Hang het windorgel onder a afdak of aan een boom, met de grote S-haak.
  • Geschikt voor zowel binnen als buiten


Aureole Tunes AT88BK - L 223cm
Aureole Tunes AT65BK - L 165cm

Aureole Tunes AT42BK - L 106cm

Jade chime

Jade chime

Chimes of Lun

windchime outdoorswindchime outdoorswindchime outdoors

Deze fantastische windchimes creeëren een magisch sfeertje, doordat ze lange tijd blijven naklinken en hun klank met momenten aanzwelt en dan terug wegebt. De wind blaast op de windschijf en doet zo de klopper tegen de klankstaven slaan. Tegelijkertijd brengt de wind één of meerdere horizontale resonatoren in beweging. Die heen- en weergaande beweging doet een zacht golvend ritme ontstaan waardoor de klank luider en dan weer stiller wordt.

Klankstaven, resonatoren en windschijf zijn vervaardigd uit koper. De ophangbeugel is uit ijzer. De metaaloppervlakten zijn onbehandeld. Hierdoor kunnen er mooie kleurschakeringen ontstaan wanneer de chime buiten wordt gehangen en onderhevig wordt aan de verschillende weersomstandigheden. De klank wordt hierdoor evenwel niet beïnvloed! Deze windchimes bestaan in verschillende toonhoogten en afmetingen.

luister naar enkele windchimes ... luister naar enkele windchimes


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Elfenhuisjes: Een driehoekvormig bronzen plaatje wordt voor een resonantiekastje gehangen, dat vervaardigd is uit hooggebrande Keramiek. Wanneer de wind nu het metalen plaatje en de holle kleivorm in beweging zet, ontstaat een kristalheldere, warme klank.

Het Elfenhuisje komt het best tot zijn recht, wanneer je 'm in een boom hangt.


Elfenklokjes: Twee driehoekvormig bronzen plaatjes - het ene een octaaf hoger gestemd dan het andere - zijn zodanig opgehangen, dat de wind ze tegen mekaar aan slaat. Hierdoor ontstaan fijne, hoge, magische klanken.



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If you pound the end of the aluminum tube a long and clear buzzing sound is created which can be modified to a vibrato or "wahwah" sound by regulating the opening of the hole in the tube. While you play it open and close the sound hole with your thumb. With mallet.

listen to the Kutu Wapa ... Kutu Wapa mini, Ø 3cm, length 18cm, pitch b´ - This small kutu wapa is great for little hands and sound amazingly full and loud.
listen to the Kutu Wapa ... Kutu Wapa small, Ø 4cm, length 28cm, pitch e´
listen to the Kutu Wapa ... Kutu Wapa large, Ø 6,25cm, length 32cm, pitch c´
listen to the Kutu Wapa ... Kutu Wapa large and a bucket of water

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Bön BellBön BellThe Bönpo Shang is one of the world's oldest shamanic Sound Tools, and quite possibly the oldest metal sound tool, predating the gong. It's history dates back to the ancient kingdom of ZhangZhung, and is mentioned in writings attributed to the founder of Bon, Tonpa Shenrab. The instrument existed at the time of Lord Shenrab (18,000BC according to some historians), and may be considerably older according to sources in the Bon community.

The instrument is found in other shamanic traditions in the Himalayas, Tibet, Bhutan, Yunnan, Tuva, Mongolia, and as far north as the Buriyat Republic.

Nowadays, the Bönpo Shang is often used in Mindfulness as an instrument to refocus.


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India, with its wonderful tradition of different dances, is the source of these belly dance bells. Rows of bells are sewn onto fine velvet or cotton. Especially suitable to accompany drumming.




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The Gong is the spirit song.
It is the primal whisper of the soul.
Its sound is the echo of the Original Word that created the world,
The sound within all sounds.
Listen with outer and inner ears.
Feel its pulsations and let
the millions of vibrations danc
and flow through your senses.

listen to the gong ...

"On a practical level the sound of the Gong has been found to be essential in the removal of stress, the invigoration of the creative and imaginative faculties and the ability to adjust to changing times in our modern world. On a more mythical level, the gong's universal power is unsurpassed in the spiritual upliftment of the mind. Come and receive angelic guidance and protection, regain the creative and intuitive faculties you had in previous incarnations. Use the sound to invigorate your vital force and experience the deepest meditative states of timelessness and bliss." For centuries the Wuhan Province in China has been producing Chinese TamTams (black-gold-black) and Feng Gongs (gold only). The instrument is commonly used in traditional operas, folk music and in ancient rituals. We personally sort through thousands of gongs to choose the best quality.

Bij Merlyn bieden wij verschillende soorten gongs aan:

MEINL GONGS - made in Germany

The Flower of Life tuning represents the origin of all things through sacred geometry. The collaboration of numbers, shapes, and vibration belongs to the oldest myths of mankind. It is the strive to connect with our origin and to understand oneself. The frequencies of the Flower of Life Collection is one step on the journey to this goal.

The Flower of Life Gong is the sonic metaphor of the creative primordial sound.

flower of life gong

Meinl "Flower of Life" gong - 91cm

The MEINL Flower of Life - 36" / 91 cm - Gong - 64 Hz / C2

  • NET Weight: 11 kg
  • Handcrafted masterpiece
  • Made in Germany
  • Nickelsilver
  • Exact fine tuning through hand-hammering
  • Printed logo and tuning info
  • Including cover and MEINL gloves

Meinl gong

Meinl "Flower of Life" gong - 61cm

The MEINL Flower of Life - 24" / 61 cm - Gong - 128 Hz / C3

  • NET Weight: 5 kg
  • Handcrafted masterpiece
  • Made in Germany
  • Nickelsilver
  • Exact fine tuning through hand-hammering
  • Printed logo and tuning info
  • Including cover and MEINL gloves

The Earth Gongs are made in Germany in the European gong making tradition. Using the calculations of Hans Cousto (The Cosmic Octave) to match the frequencies of the earth, each gong is tuned to produce the corresponding frequency of 136.10 Hz. These gongs are handcrafted by the gong makers to respond with great sensitivity in all playing applications. Their mysterious sound comes from the countless hours spent handworking the metal. It is atmospheric and soothing.

flower of life gong

Tuning: The frequency of the year, C# with 136.10 Hz is the 32nd octave of the earth year. The base of this tone is the rotation of the earth around the sun. As the frequency of the day influences the body, the frequency of the year influences the soul.

In India this tone is the keynote of sitar and tambura music and is called "sadja" which also means "Father of the others". Also the sacred syllable "OM" is tuned to this tone like mostly all the religous temple music. Many bells and other instruments are tuned to this tone. Who wonders why Hindus talk so much about the soul and transmigration of the soul when knowing that their music is tuned to the frequency of the soul. The ancient Indians arrived at this tone through meditation, it was given to them intuitively and contemplatively by "opening up to the cosmos", whereas we have to calculate it through mathematics and physics. The secret of the profound effects of Indian meditation music depends simply on the fact that it is exactly tuned to the course of events, to the "Tao". That's the rotation of the earth around the sun.

Not only the instruments but also the musicians and the audience are being attuned during the "alapa" (the tuning before the concert) to the everlasting tone, the sadjy. All the participants are in harmony with the cosmos which finds its echo in the human beings, who take part in this meditative music. According to Indian tradition, the sadjy, or "sa" for short, is the everlasting, never ceasing tone and as mentioned before is expressed through the syllable "OM". OM corresponds to the "Amen" in Christian churches. Amen means nothing else than "so be it". The "OM" also expresses "so be it", manifested through the everlasting tone. One can check it out for oneself by listening to original Indian meditation music, or even better meditate with the sound of this Earth gong, humming or singing and letting yourself be impressed by it and so feel the power that lies within it. In that way the tone is to be learned without great effort and by letting the vibrations flow more and more through the body, the whole body slowly becomes the tone. By this we mean not only bringing oneself into harmony with the tone and so with the Tao but also with the praying monks in North India, Tibet and the remaining world, who meditate to the sacred syllable "OM" and all who sing that tone. Only one who has meditated to this tone may have an idea, how deep the relaxing effect of this vibration is and how it calms the soul when one attunes oneself regularly to it.

The frequency of the year is the best oscillation for everyday stress relief, to regain inner peace, open blocked energy pathway and restore balance.

Meinl "Earth" gong - 91cm

The MEINL Earth gong - 36" / 91 cm - 136.10 Hz / C2#

  • NET Weight: 11 kg
  • Handcrafted masterpiece
  • Made in Germany
  • Nickelsilver
  • Exact fine tuning through hand-hammering
  • Printed logo and tuning info
  • Including cover and MEINL gloves
  • Effect: relaxing, soothing, balancing

Don ConreauxThe Eight Corners of Heaven Mirror Gong was developed in collaboration with the Gong Master "Don Conreaux". This gong features a unique appearance with ancient mysterious symbols set against a mirror finish.

The eight runic glyphs represent the cycle of life and suggest that the sound of the gong originates in the eight corners of heaven propelling the cycle of life on earth. Both sides of the gong are finished with a mirror surface allowing the player to see himself, listeners, or other gong players in an ensemble.

This is also beneficial in meditation and therapy use for self-mirroring and reflecting surrounding lights.

flower of life gong flower of life gong

Meinl "Eight Corners of Heaven" mirror gong - 81cm

The MEINL Eight Corners of Heaven gong - 32" / 81 cm - 136.10 Hz / D2 - D2#

  • NET Weight: 11 kg
  • Handcrafted masterpiece
  • Made in Germany
  • Nickelsilver
  • Exact fine tuning through hand-hammering
  • Including cover and MEINL gloves
  • Gong for meditation

CHINESE GONGS - made in China

Tamtam gong


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Tam-tam gong (Tamtam gong, Chau gong, Chao gong)

For centuries the Wuhan Province in China has been producing Chinese TamTams (black-gold-black) and Feng Gongs (gold only). Tam-Tams Gongs are built with a thinner center and a thick edge were the metal is folded back. This design focuses the vibration in the center while the outer edge holds the tone until all the overtones are faded and only the tremble of the deepest fundamental tone is audible. Includes a mallet.

The instrument is commonly used in traditional operas, folk music and in ancient rituals. We carefully sort through hundreds of gongs, to choose the best gongs for use in healing, meditation, rituals and ceremonies.

Many people experience being calmed and focused by the Tam-Tams and inspired to meditate. The bronze used to make the Tam-Tams is mixed with a secret mixture of many metals. The mixture of thed dross with the metal causes the black color. Polishing away the dross from an area makes it gold. While the gongs are polished the metal is hardened through hammering and the center is slightly domed.

Tamtam gongs give you a distinct gong sound that is responsive enough to produce rich overtones with an enormously wide range of volume. The sound is very grounding, at the same time melodic with an organic quality, making these gongs very popular with sound therapists.

Vervaardigd in China. 1ste klasse, beste kwaliteit. Tamtams bieden een breed spectrum van overtonen, de trilling is geconcentreerd in het midden, de klank gaat naar binnen.

listen to the Kutu Wapa ...
Feng gong met gongrubber

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Feng gong (Feng-Luo, Wind gong)

Feng gongs have the same metal thickness throughout. When played, the entire gong responds with a wide range of overtones, which fade faster than on a Tam-Tam. However, they react faster, more powerfully and are more expressive. Includes a mallet.

For centuries the Wuhan Province in China has been producing Chinese TamTams (black-gold-black) and Feng Gongs (gold only). The instrument is commonly used in traditional operas, folk music and in ancient rituals.

We carefully sort through hundreds of gongs, to choose the best gongs for use in healing, meditation, rituals and ceremonies.

Traditionally Wind Gongs are played with a large soft mallet and possess that authentic and true gong sound typified by brilliant shimmer and can be used to help focus meditation and in spiritual ceremonies. It is said that some monks from Asian temples had the ability to match their voice to the frequency of the gong, bringing the gong into resonance from a distance of several hundreds of feet.

Vervaardigd in China. 1ste klasse, beste kwaliteit. Feng gongs zijn platte schijven, de trilling is explosief en de klank gaat naar buiten. Inclusief klopper.

sun gong

Sun gong

These distinctive quality bronze Sun Gongs are hand made in Wuhan, China. They are slightly convex with no rim, the gong is polished all over except for the distinctive concentric rings. Sun Gongs give you a distinct gong sound that is responsive enough to produce rich overtones with an enormously wide range of volume. The sound is very grounding, at the same time melodic and complex with an organic quality, making these gongs very popular with sound therapists.

Heng-Luo Gongs have a strong rim and are brass gold because the dross is completely removed. The Gong has a strong long-lasting sustain which ends softly. Comes with a mallet.

THAI- of BALI GONGS - made in Southeast Asia

Thai gong
"This kind of gong is found in Southeast Asia from Thailand to Bali. The dross has not been removed with this gong and therefore the gong is black. The center is raised to a 'nipple' and the rim is thickened. The sound is incredible and the nipple concentrates the vibration to a clear and overtone-free tune. Comes with mallet."

Thai-gongs zijn gongs met een bolle uitstulping in het midden. 1ste klasse, beste kwaliteit.

accessoires voor gongs

Voor gongkloppers en gongstrijkers ... klik hier

gongstand Voor gongstatieven ... klik hier

Alle gongs die wij in onze winkel te koop aanbieden, zijn door ons persoonlijk geselecteerd.

terug naar overzicht - bestellen


De Handpan is een dankbaar muziekinstrument dat op zich vrij makkelijk en intuïtief kan bespeeld worden, waardoor het vaak terug te vinden is in therapeutische toepassingen voor oa. ADHD en autisme. Klanken en muziek worden door deze personen vaak als een veilige en comfortabele manier van communicatie ervaren. Muziek oordeelt niet.

Learn to play handpan the easy way ... www.masterthehandpan.com

Opgelet: op de 2de hands markt worden verschillende Hangs of Handpans te koop aangeboden aan exhuberante prijzen. Bepaal eerst voor jezelf wat zo'n instrument voor jou werkelijk waard is. Doe niet mee aan de "hype".


Bij Merlyn bieden wij verschillende soorten Handpans aan:

PAN AMOR - made in the UK

Pan Amor

Pan Amor



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PanAmor Pro, D-Celtic minor

"At PanAmor Sound Sculptures we put our heart and soul into sculpting instruments commonly known as handpans. Our instruments are produced using the highest quality sheet steel available, are nitrided and are processed with a variety of tools that allow for extremely consistent results.

A lot of thought is put into the geometry of the tonefields to allow for a stable, well balanced instrument and the most harmonious relationship between the notes possible.

Ultimately our goal is to create a thing of beauty. An instrument for everyone, tuned to precision to sing a crystalline song.

Whether you're a musician looking for definiton, a busker looking for volume or someone looking for a very accessible musical instrument...We welcome you here at PanAmor Sound Sculptures to explore how we can customise the right handpan for you."

  • D-Celtic minor
  • D/ A C D E F G A C (D)
  • 8 Tones plus central tone
  • first class DC04 steel
  • nitrated surface, durable finish
  • patterns and colours are protected • precisely tuned to 20° C
  • brilliant, clear sound
  • for highest demands
  • Ø inside 53,5cm,
  • Ø outside 57cm (incl. edge), height 27cm
  • Made in UK


CHAYA HANDPANS - made in the Netherlands
ChayaMaking the Chaya handpan
Chaya handpans are made with the utmost care. Our craftsmanship produces constant quality. To ensure this quality, we make no concessions during the construction process. Only the handpans we produce which really meet our requirements are given the Chaya trademark.

Each Chaya handpan is unique
Chaya instruments stand for constant quality, but not for uniformity. Each handpan is handmade and has our full attention. Every hammer blow affects the handpan's individual character and ultimately, each instrument produces its own unique sound and resonance.

The thickness and diameter of the metal used for the Chaya handpan makes them distinctive. A Chaya handpan is made of 1.25 mm-thick steel with a diameter of 53 and 59,5 cm. This difference gives Chaya its specific warm, carrying and powerful sound.
The thickness of the Chaya 1.25 mm handpan makes it exceptionally stable, very resistant to vigorous playing and ensures it will not go out of tune easily. At the same time, the instrument maintains its subtlety; you can play it with emotion.
We also supply the Chaya handpan in the traditional thickness of 1 mm with a diameter of 53 cm. Because the metal and the nitration process are slightly different, it has a different timbre. This provides even more options, and so, uniquely, we have a suitable Chaya handpan to suit everyone's taste.

We supply a special rubber ring for all Chaya handpans which you can attach or remove to subtly influence the sound and resonance. The ring also gives the instrument added protection.

In addition to the thickness of the steel, the nitration also ensures the individuality of the Chaya drum. Our unique nitration recipe guarantees a beautiful timbre and pleasant resonance. At the same time, the thermochemical nitration process influences the shape and wear-resistance of the material, making it more resistant to vigorous playing and to rust and dirt.

Chaya handpans (steel thickness of 1.25 mm) have an inner diameter of 53 cm and are 25 cm high. The low-scale 'B-Celtic tuning' has a diameter of 59,5 cm.
Chaya handpans with steel thickness of 1 mm have a diameter of 53 cm and are 30 cm high.
The Chaya handpans routinely come with 9 or 10 tone fields, including the bass tone in the middle. At your request, we can make multiple tones on the top or bottom of the handpan. The possibilities depend on the scale and the chosen thickness of the metal.

Chaya handpan

Chaya handpan

Chaya handpan



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B-Celtic Minor - thickness 1 mm - Nitrated steel Handpan
9 notes: B/ F# A B C# D E F# B



D-Kurd-9 - thickness 1 mm - Nitrated steel Handpan
10 notes: D/ A Bb C D E F G A C

Ø 53cm - H 30cm - 4,4kg


C# Amara - thickness 1 mm - Nitrated steel Handpan
9 notes: C#/ G# B C# D# E F# G# B

Ø 53cm - H 30cm - 4,4kg


D-Celtic Minor - thickness 1.25 mm - Nitrated steel Handpan
9 notes: D/ A C D E F G A C

Ø 53,5cm - H 25cm - 4,4kg

SPACEDRUM - made in France

spacedrum evolution
spacedrum 60cm
Spacedrum Deep Sky


Handpan Space



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Spacedrum® Evolution - 60cm - 8 notes - Deep Sky

This Spacedrum has the distinction of having 8 notes placed on a large diameter. Its scale starts with a C3 and ends on F4. Greater than conventional models 8 notess, with a diameter of 60 cm, it can play on noteswith remarkable bass.

This model is aimed both at experienced musicians, as conscious people play on a handpan offering deep sounds and vibrations. It can be put on a stand or on your laps despite it's a bit larger than its little brothers.

This scale does not change the arrangement of notes and can play alternately as the other models in 8 notes.

Thanks to a long research & development work in partnership with an engineering high school we’re happy to release the 4th generation Spacedrum®, made out of a special stainless alloy. The properties of this special alloy are particularly adapted for the outdoor playing: totally rustproof, even in the extrem climates (see shores, tropics...), hard enough to keep the tuning for years (in normal conditions of use). Added to that, the Spacedrum® Evolution (4th gen) develops more sustain and more sound volume while respecting the Spacedrum® original sound.

This instrument is fragile and needs to be protected when it's not played. Our bags are specially designed for a good protection of the Spacedrum®.

Scale "Deep Sky": C3 Eb3 G3 Bb3 C4 D4 Eb4 F4 (This scale has been dreamed by Francis Ferrié)

Technical settings:

  • Raw material: Stainless Steel alloy
  • Diameter: 23.6 in (60 cm)
  • Dome hight: 5.2 in (13 cm)
  • Bottom hight: 3.15 in (8 cm)
  • Weight: around 7 kg (15.4 lb)
  • Number of notes: 8
  • Damper: removable rubber joint that reduces harmonics and sustain...
  • Surface treatment: thermal + wax

reinforced bag and a pot of wax are included with your Spacedrum®


Le Spacedrum® 8 notes DEEP SKY est notre Best seller. Basé sur un registre grave sa gamme démarre par un Do3 et se termine sur un Fa4. Avec son diamètre de 60 cm il permet l'utilisation de surfaces de notes procurant des basses remarquables.

Ce modèle s'adresse aussi bien à des musiciens confirmés qu'aux personnes soucieuses de jouer sur un handpan proposant des sonorités et des vibrations profondes. Il conviendra plutôt de le jouer sur un pied mais il peut aussi être posé sur vos genoux.

Le Spacedrum® Evolution new design  est la cinquième génération de Spacedrum®. Il résulte d’une étroite collaboration entre une grande école d’ingénieurs et l’équipe de Metal Sounds. Élaboré dans un alliage spécial d’acier inoxydable l’instrument est protégé indéfiniment contre les effets de la corrosion, même dans des conditions climatiques extrêmes. Il est, en outre, plus dur que l’acier classique ce qui prolonge durablement la tenue de l’accordage dans le temps, et sa solidité structurelle. La tessiture sonore est respectée et les gains de sustain (durée du son) et de volume sonore sont évidents.

Dotée d’un Double DING poli, la note centrale émet désormais une sonorité plus mate, et permet un jeu plus percussif par rapport à la précédente génération de Spacedrum®. Les diamètres des DIMPLES (boutons situés au centre des notes) ont été augmentés pour parfaire encore l’équilibre général de l’instrument. Les dimples également polis offrent à ce nouveau modèle de Handpan un design sobre et luxueux, à l’image de sa qualité.

Les gammes diatoniques et pentatoniques en modes majeurs et mineurs souvent utilisées dans un cadre pédagogique (conservatoires, éducation nationale, musico-thérapie, éveil musical...) conviennent à tout type de projet artistique.

Gamme "Deep Sky" : Do3 Mib3 Sol3 Sib3 Do4 Ré4 Mib4 Fa4 ( Une gamme imaginée et rêvée par Francis Ferrié)

Caractéristiques Techniques :

  • Matériau : Alliage spécial inoxydable
  • Diamètre : 60 cm
  • Hauteur du dôme (partie haute) : 14 cm
  • Hauteur du fond : 10 cm
  • Poids : 5,4 kg environ
  • Nombre de notes : 8
  • "Sourdine" : profilé amovible en caoutchouc atténuant les harmoniques, le sustain...
  • Traitement de surface : thermique

Une housse renforcée et 1 pot de cire sont inclus avec votre Spacedrum®






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Spacedrum® Evolution - 60cm - 9 notes - Anaziska scale

This Spacedrum® has 9 tones. Its Anaziska scale starts with a C3 and ends on Bb4, then it's one of the largest range of all the Spacedrum models. Greater than conventional models 8 notes, with a diameter of 60 cm, it can play on notes with remarkable bass.

This model is aimed both at experienced musicians, as conscious people play on a handpan offering deep sounds and vibrations. It can be put on a stand or on your laps despite it's a bit larger than its little brothers.

This scale does not change the arrangement of notes and can play alternately as the other models in 8 notes.

Thanks to a long research & development work in partnership with an engineering high school we’re happy to release the 4th generation Spacedrum®, made out of a special stainless alloy. The properties of this special alloy are particularly adapted for the outdoor playing: totally rustproof, even in the extrem climates (see shores, tropics...), hard enough to keep the tuning for years (in normal conditions of use). Added to that, the Spacedrum® Evolution (4th gen) develops more sustain and more sound volume while respecting the Spacedrum® original sound.

This instrument is fragile and needs to be protected when it's not played. Our bags are specially designed for a good protection of the Spacedrum®.

Scale: C3 G3 Bb3 C4 D4 Eb4 F4 G4 Bb4


Technical settings:

  • Raw material: Stainless Steel alloy
  • Diameter: 23.6 in (60 cm)
  • Dome hight: 5.2 in (13 cm)
  • Bottom hight: 3.15 in (8 cm)
  • Weight: around 7 kg (15.4 lb)
  • Number of notes: 9
  • Damper: removable rubber joint that reduces harmonics and sustain...
  • Surface treatment: thermal + wax

reinforced bag and a pot of wax are included with your Spacedrum®


Nouveau modèle de Spacedrum® proposant un registre grave et 9 notes disposées sur un diamètre de 60 cm.

La gamme Anaziska, démarre par un DO3 et se termine sur un SIb4. Plus grand que les modèles 55 cm à 8 notes (handpans classiques), Les Spacedrum® 60 cm sont pourvu de grandes surfaces de notes qui procurent des basses remarquables. Si vous cherchez un handpan proposant des sonorités et des vibrations profondes, sachez que ce modèle réponds parfaitement à ces critères. Vous pouvez le jouer sur un stand et disposer d'une grande liberté de mouvement ou le poser sur vos genoux pour ressentir pleinement ses vibrations.

Le Spacedrum® Evolution new design  est la cinquième génération de Spacedrum®. Il résulte d’une étroite collaboration entre une grande école d’ingénieurs et l’équipe de Metal Sounds. Élaboré dans un alliage spécial d’acier inoxydable l’instrument est protégé indéfiniment contre les effets de la corrosion, même dans des conditions climatiques extrêmes. Il est, en outre, plus dur que l’acier classique ce qui prolonge durablement la tenue de l’accordage dans le temps, et sa solidité structurelle. La tessiture sonore est respectée et les gains de sustain (durée du son) et de volume sonore sont évidents.

Dotée d’un Double DING poli, la note centrale émet désormais une sonorité plus mate, et permet un jeu plus percussif par rapport à la précédente génération de Spacedrum®. Les diamètres des DIMPLES (boutons situés au centre des notes) ont été augmentés pour parfaire encore l’équilibre général de l’instrument. Comme le ding les dimples sont polis et offrent à ce nouveau modèle de Handpan un design sobre et luxueux, à l’image de sa qualité.

Gamme: Do3 Sol3 Sib3 Do4 Ré4 Mib4 Fa4 Sol4 Sib4

Caractéristiques Techniques :

  • Matériau : Alliage spécial inoxydable
  • Diamètre : 60 cm
  • Hauteur du dôme (partie haute) : 14 cm
  • Hauteur du fond : 10 cm
  • Poids : 5,4 kg environ
  • Nombre de notes : 8
  • "Sourdine" : profilé amovible en caoutchouc atténuant les harmoniques, le sustain...
  • Traitement de surface : thermique

Une housse renforcée et 1 pot de cire sont inclus avec votre Spacedrum®

MEINL Sonic Energy Harmonic Art Handpan - made in Colombia / Germany

MEINL Sonic Energy Harmonic Art Handpan instruments are hand made one at a time using top grade german steel. This material has been chosen for both its ability to be worked by hand and its strength to hold the tunings. These instruments are built to last a lifetime. The Harmonic Art Handpan produces clear and pure notes when struck by the hand. The tone is pleasing, soothing, and relaxing and can be used in a variety of settings both for performance and therapy. Each one is tuned with a center note and seven additionally notes allowing the player to work within a musical scale both as a solo instrumentalist and with a group.

These MEINL Handpans are Top Quality handpans. Feel free to try them out at our Merlyn store.

Handpan Meinl handpan



  • Size: Ø 55cm, 25cm height
  • Material: High quality steel
  • Features:
    • handcrafted masterpiece
    • clear and pure soft sound with long sustain
    • harmonic and balanced connection
  • Includes:
    • Protection cover made out of durable light steel
    • Carry bag made out of heavy duty nylon, synthetic fur inside for extra protection, padded backpack straps and grip for comfortable transportation
    • White gloves

Different tunings:

  • HD1 'Natural' - D, A, A#, C, D, F, G, A
  • HD2 'Equinox' - E, G, B, C, D, E, F#, G
  • HD3 'Raga Desya Todi' - D#, G, A#, C, D, D#, F, G
  • HD4 'Akebono F' - F, A#, C, C#, D#, F, F#, A#
  • HD5 'Integral' - D, A, A#, C, D, E, F, A
  • HD6 'Dominant 7th D' - D, A, C, D, E, F, G, A



RAV Drum - made in Russia

RAV drumAbout: This is a truly revolutionary instrument in a family of metal tuned percussion. Due to special patented technology there's up to 6 harmonics tuned on each tongue. On a central note of drum there's 7 harmonics tuned. It's possible to separate those harmonics and extend the range of the instrument to full 2 octaves of the scale. Imagine 9 bells tuned to the scale and on each of them all the partials are tuned as well! That's how we would describe the sound of this instrument.

It's fine tuned instrument which can be played by beginners and by professional musicians. It can be used for the stage performances, studio recordings and for healing sound sessions as well. A variety of musical scales is offered to you, allowing you to choose your favorite tuning.

  • Material: 1.5 - 2 mm steel (depends of tuning)
  • Cover: thin hydrophobic covering, requires periodic wiping
  • Weight: 4.9 - 5.9 kg like handpans
  • Size: 51 cm, height: 17 cm
  • Colour is blue-green
RAV drum
RAV handdrum

More than 2,500 people in 45 countries have RAV Drums, some of them are famous musicians ...

RAV users

History: Designed to spread his passion and love to other musicians around the globe, Andrey Remyannikov invented a whole new kind of instrument ... the RAV. He first selected the finest steel to work with, then he devoted months to simply pulling the richest sound possible out of the steel. He then selected the most beautiful scales to tune his instruments to, and from there RAV Drums was created. The first RAV steel tongue drum was created in the spring of 2013, and took the world by storm. People loved the RAV. It was the first steel tongue drum to possess a total of four partials per tongue. Multiple different styles of finishes were tested during this time. Varying from paint all the way to nickel, but as time went on it was decided that a raw sounded best for the RAV. Currently Andrey only sells non-coated models of his instruments, although some coated models can be found lurking around the world.

Inspired by the size of Handpans, Andrey decided to dabble into the realm of larger instruments. From these experementations, he created what is known as the RAV Vast. A larger eight tone instrument with a deeper chamber in order to allow for greater resonance of the tones created by the tongues. Yet again he had revolutionized the world of steel tongue drums. The word "Tongue Pan" arose as a result of his creation of the RAV Vast. The word being used to resemble the nature of Handpans, and relates their multi-partial properties to the Vast. Later he decided to make a version of the RAV Vast with thicker steel. This was to help create a fuller sound from the instrument without any amplification required.

The RAV Vast: After months of experimenting, the RAV Vast was born. A larger, fuller sounding nine tone RAV instrument. This instrument is the same size as most Handpans, and has up to six partials tuned per note. In a similar manner to the RAV, after he tuned one RAV Vast, he soon started making them in multiple different scales.

The RAV Vast2: The RAV Vast2 was created as a RAV Vast with thicker steel to make the Vast sound even fuller than the original version. This version of the RAV Vast was made in the early fall of 2015. RAV VAST2 is made from thicker steel (2mm) and it's approx. 15% louder then RAV VAST, but has a bit less overtones. VAST2 is not an improved model of the instrument. It's just a variation with slightly different tone. Some scales works on 1,5mm steel and some works better on 2mm steel.

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indrukwekkende demonstratie van de RAV Drum en de Sansula, door Nadishana

RAV Vast drum lesson 1 by Pasha Aeon

RAV Vast drum lesson 2 by Pasha Aeon

RAV Vast drum lesson 3 by Pasha Aeon

RAV Vast drum lesson 4 by Pasha Aeon

RAV Vast drum lesson 5 by Pasha Aeon


RAV Vast - Minor Pentatonic: G2 D3 F3 G3 A#3 C4 D4 F4 G4

RAV Vast - Integral: A2 C3 E3 F3 G3 A3 B3 C4 E4

RAV Vast2 - RUS: A2 C3 E3 G3 A3 B3 C4 D4 E4

RAV Vast2 - D Major: D3 G3 A3 B3 C#4 D4 E4 F#4 A4

RAV Vast2 - B Celtic Minor: B2 F#3 A3 B3 C#4 D4 E4 F#4 A4

RAV Vast2 - B Celtic Double Ding: B2 A2 F#3 A3 B3 C#4 D4 E4 F#4 A4

RAV Vast2 B Onoleo: (B2) F#3 G3 B3 D#4 E4 F#4 G4 B4

How to take care of your RAV

Here are some tips on how to keep your RAV clean, shiny and rust-free.






Handpan stands

Handpan stand

Handpan stand low - metal

  • low, for sitting position, height 40-55cm
  • adjustable metal stand with rubber-padded arms and feet
  • reinforced double legs
  • for seated players
Handpan sitting stand

Handpan Sitting Stand with adjustable height - wood

With the adjustable height mechanism It makes it possible to play on a low stool up to a regular height chair !
Adjusts from 55cm up to 65cm (measuring from the floor to the central seam on the Handpan).
All my folding stands are fitted with a locking device to keep the stand in the open position.

Dimensions when folded: 75cm x 9cm x 9cm
Weight : 1.3 Kg
Carrying bag included

handpan sitting stand

Handpan standing stand

Handpan Standing Stand - wood

The standing model allows freedom of body movement while playing. Many players experience a “freedom feeling” when using the standing model. This ergonomic feature coupled with “line of site” positioning when playing live on stage or busking make the standing model an excellent choice for performing players.

All my folding stands are fitted with a locking device to keep the stand in the open position. The standing model weighs and folds down to a very compact size. These two elements make it easy to carry or to store when not in use. The height from the floor to the seam between the top and bottom half of your Handpan is approximately 100cm.

Dimensions when folded: 118cm x 9cm x 3cm
Weight: 1.6kg
Carrying bag included


Handpan Care

Door intense aanraking van de handpan met je handen en vingers, tasten de zuren die in je zweet aanwezig zijn het metaal van het instrument aan. Daarom is het belangrijk om je handpan goed te onderhouden door ze na elk gebruik af te vegen met een microvezeldoekje en ze op regelmatige basis te behandelen met olie of wax.
Onlangs kreeg ik volgende tip van een klant: gebruik op regelmatige basis een spray met wapenolie om de binnenkant van je handpan te beschermen. Zo vermijd je dat zich roestplekjes vormen aan de binnenkant van je instrument.

handpan wax

Handpan Care Wax

The Harmonic Art Handpan Care Wax is used on the playing surface of our Handpans to prevent unwanted development of rust and to keep the steel looking as good as new and shiny. It should be applied gently over the playing surface, when the surface begins to feel somewhat dry.


  • Prevents unwanted development of rust
  • Keeps the steel looking as good as new and shiny
  • Should be used on the playing surface only

Phoenix Oil


Phoenix Handpan Oil

Thanks to the presence of natural ingredients and essencial oil with antibacterial effect, it helps to eliminate dust and dirt and to create a protective barrier on the surface without leaving residue and giving shiny finish.

Phoenix handpan oil

Phoenix Handpan Oil doesn’t contain aggressive or acidic substances. The pleasant scent of lemongrass is the natural smell of some ingredients in our secret formula.

Phoenix handpan oil is skin safe, nonhazardous and made with 99,5% raw vegetal material. Healthy for your instrument, for you and for the environment.


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listen to the Caisa Akebono ...
A major
listen to the Caisa Akebono ...
Bb major
listen to the Caisa Akebono ...
D major





Dream pan

De DreamPan is gestemd volgens een heel uniek concept. De 8 klanktoetsen (of klanktongen) vind je zowel aan de bovenzijde als aan de onderzijde van de DreamPan terug (totaal 16 tongen). Beide zeiden zijn identiek gestemd, zij het met een heel licht afwijkende toonhoogte waardoor er een dromerige zweving, een hypnotiserende pulsatie ontstaat tussen de noten van beide zijden onderling. Het instrument klinkt hierdoor heel open en uitzonderlijk boventoonrijk met veel sustain en "nagalm". Het samenspel van de verschillende boventonen brengt bovendien een vloeiende beweging in de klank. Ø 27cm - H 14cm - 2,7 kg


Le DreamPan présente un concept d'accordage unique, avec ses 8 lames découpées à l'identique de chaque côté de l'instrument (soit 16 lames au total). Les 2 faces sont accordées selon la même gamme, mais avec un très léger décalage entre elles: ce battement harmonique génère un effet de trémolo et augmente significativement le volume sonore de l'instrument, qui offrent un sustain et une richesse harmonique exceptionnels. Ce subtil "désaccordage" crée ainsi de nouvelles sonorités totalement hypnotiques, similaires à des voix harmonisées émanant du corps même de l'instrument. Le DreamPan ne possède donc pas seulement 8 notes, mais plutôt de multiples fréquences, dont les interactions entre les différentes couches d'harmoniques inspirent fluctuation et mouvement, et génèrent un son "cosmique".

Ø 27cm - H 14cm - 2,7 kg


The DreamPan is a one-of-a-kind instrument in its field, developed with an innovative tuning system of 8 notes on both of its sides. Its sound is consistent, fluctuating and harmonic with great sustain and reverberation. Insantly hypnotising and pleasing to the ear, it calms the mind and allows you to focus on the perception of sound. It can be played on both sides, while resting on its base, or hung as a polyphonic gong, producing a longer sustain and purer sound. Its musicality gives you the effect of colour waves flowing througth the body. It can be used as an original addition to your musical compositions, as well as an effective tool in therapeutic fields.

Textured metal-oxide finishes and coating pigments with protective varnish. Each instrument is unique, one-of-a-kind and handmade. Made of 2,5 mm. thick steel, thermically treated exclusively by Kigonki. Comes with a professional padded travelling bag and a pair of rubber mallets. Standard tunings to 440 Hz. Tuning to 432 Hz. or other frequencies on request.

Ø 27cm - H 14cm - 2,7 kg


a few examples of possible tunings for the DreamPan:

kigonki tunings

a few examples of finish & colours for the DreamPan:


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HAPI slim





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HAPI slimWe have taken our Original HAPI Drum and put it on a diet! The HAPI Slim weighs in at only 3 kg. The height has also been reduced to 15 cm tall and it's still a popular 30 cm wide. This makes the SLIM our most portable and easy to carry drum. You won't think twice about taking your drum with you. It looks sleek and you can even grab it with one hand. Surprisingly for its smaller size it has a powerful and full bodied sound. It may have lost some weight but there's no compromise on tone. The Slim comes in a variety of new scale choices and is only available in black which goes with everything.

Our HAPI drums are ideal for jamming and playing percussive beats. The note layout makes it easy to jump right into grooving rhythms. An intuitive arrangement to the notes allows a carefree exploration of new musical horizons. The strong meditative tones are calming and great for relaxing anytime. The unique tone of the HAPI drum is created by a tuned vibrating tongue of steel. The concept is similar to a wooden tongue drum. When a tongue is quickly and lightly struck with the finger or mallet it vibrates creating sound waves. By changing the shape and length of the tongue optimal vibration and perfect tone is achieved. By arranging the notes in our unique way each note when struck excites surrounding notes that are musically compatible with it. This adds to the harmonic spectrum of the tone. Rather than just one tone we can now create a spectrum of supporting sound for each note. The tone is similar to singing bowls or musical bells which create multiple harmonic overtones. The body of the drum acts as a resonating chamber adding depth to the note.

A minimal amount of force creates a big sound on our drums. We also supply each drum with mallets designed to bring out the pure sound of each note. The arrangement of the notes make going up and down the scale very easy. Also one hand can reach two or three notes simultaneously for chord playing. With the isolating rubber feet located on the bottom of the drum you can set it on any surface to play.

We have created unique design parameters that make our HAPI Slim the best possible steel tongue percussion drum. Our Patented (D620,041S) note layout adds harmonic tones to each note when played. This creates a more complex and musical tone to each note. By placing low notes next to the appropriate higher notes we achieve multiple harmonics. Their vibrations create desirable overtones which compliment the timbre of the tone. We use a compact drum body that easily fits in your lap. The head is 12 inches across allowing for easy reach to all of the notes. A true rectangular shape rather than the usual “tongue” shape of a note produces a clearer sound. By using an ideal height to width ratio for different notes we have been able to improve the amplitude of the note and create better balance. Tone accuracy is of the utmost importance. Each note is carefully hand tuned using a strobe tuner for complete control of the tuning process. Special treatments to our steel allow for note stability. This means each HAPI is a durable and reliable instrument.

The HAPI Slim drum weighs 7 lbs. and the dimensions are 12" across by 6" high. Each Drum comes with a pair of mallets that are specifically handmade for our drum. It also includes a handbook that outlines playing techniques. The handbook has mallet and hand playing techniques, as well as practice exercises.

C Major Pentatonic. This is the highest drum scale we offer. It ranges from C4 (middle C) to E5. C Major is a very popular musical scale. It has no flats or sharps. It is also known as a "natural" scale. This drum sounds great with the HAPI Slim A Minor, G Major, or F Major scales. It also pairs up with our HAPI Original drum in the scales of E Minor and D Minor. And, of course, it sounds wonderful with our HAPI UFO drum which is in the full C Major scale. This HAPI Slim is an octave higher than the HAPI UFO drum.

C Akebono
The Akebono scale originates from Japan. It produces a meditative / exotic sound. It sounds great played with Western and Eastern instruments.

G Akebono (g a b d’ eb’ g’ a’ b’)
The Akebono scale originates from Japan. It produces a meditative / exotic sound. It sounds great played with Western and Eastern instruments.

A Akebono (a h c’ e’ f’ a’ h’ c’’)
The Akebono scale originates from Japan. It produces a meditative / exotic sound. It sounds great played with Western and Eastern instruments.

A Minor Pentatonic (a c’ d’ e’ g’ a’ c’’ d’’)
A widely used musical scale. A Minor is the relative Minor of C Major and known as a "natural" Minor. Sounds great with Native American flutes in A. This drum will sound good with the HAPI Slim C Major, G Major, or F Major scales. It also pairs up great with our HAPI Original drum in the scales of E Minor and D Minor. And it works well with our HAPI UFO drum which is in the full C Major scale.

A Major Pentatonic (a h c#’ e’ f#’ a’ h’ c#’)
A heavenly uplifting scale that sounds great with F Sharp Native American flute and with the HAPI Slim F Sharp minor scale.

G Minor Pentatonic (g b c’ d’ f’ g’ b’ c’’)
A very moving scale. Mozart considered it most suitable for expressing sadness and adversity. Sounds amazing with Native American flute in G.

G Major Pentatonic (g a h d’ e’ g’ a’ h’)
Known as the "people's key" it is one of the most popular keys in classical and modern music. This scale is great with guitar because all of a guitars 6 strings can be played open in G. The banjo is also usually tuned to G. This drum will sound good with the HAPI Slim C Major, A Minor, or F Major scales. It also pairs up with our HAPI Original drum in the scales of E Minor and D Minor. You can also enjoy playing this with our HAPI UFO drum which is in the full C Major scale.

F# Minor Pentatonic (f# a h c#’ e’ f#’ a’ h’)
This is a soulful and introspective scale. Native American flute lovers will enjoy it as F Sharp is the most popular scale in Native American flute recordings. Sounds good with the A Major HAPI Slim.

F Major Pentatonic (f g a c’ d’ f’ g’ a’)
A carefree and happy sounding scale. This drum will sound good with the HAPI Slim C Major, A Minor, or G Major scales. It also pairs up with our HAPI Original drum in the scales of E Minor and D Minor. It works great with our HAPI UFO drum which is in the full C Major scale.



HAPI slim



HAPI Drum Slim G Minor Tuneable – Over 24 different scales possible in one HAPI Drum!

  • Ideal for the musician who wants to change scales for different compositions, or for the percussionist who wants to experiment with different scales.
  • Comes with an illustrated instruction booklet and 24 different scales to get you started!
  • Tune your drum to a huge range of Pentatonic Scales in G, F# or F.
  • Play with your hands, or with the provided mallets for great sound.
  • Instead of purchasing many drums in different tunings, you can get one that will play in over 24!
  • The highest note possible is C in the 5th octave, the lowest note possible is F in the 3rd octave.

How do I do it?

It’s simple! Just reach inside your drum and slide the magnetic weight from the “hinge” or base of the note toward the tip. The further you go the lower it will make the pitch. Adjustable tuning is accomplished by adding or removing weight to the metal tongues. The tongue is cut away on three sides leaving the forth side attached to the drum body. This attached fourth side acts as a stiff “hinge” at the base of the tongue letting it vibrate to create a tone that can be heard when struck. For weights, we use very powerful magnets that can be slid along the underside of the tongue. Moving the weight adjusts the pitch of the tone. With no weight added, (the magnets are below the base of the tongue) your drum is now tuned to the highest scale it is designed for, G Minor. Sliding weighted magnets down the tongues lowers the pitch or frequency that it rings at. Many different lower scales are possible depending on how you adjust the weights on the tongues. Weights: The weights never need to be removed from the drum. Each tongue on the drum has been tested and matched with an ideal weight. They are selected based on range of notes required and best sound quality. They are pre-placed into the drum so you can start playing in G Minor right away!

The possible tunings are:

  • G Minor: The open tuning, if no magnets are used
  • G Akebono: The Akebono scale originates from Japan. It produces a meditative / exotic sound. It sounds great played with Western and Eastern instruments.
  • G Pygmy: a minor pentatonic scale that follows the sequence of steps: tone, half tone, ditone, tone + half tone and tone
  • G Egyptian
  • G Major
  • G Major Blues
  • F# Minor
  • F# Akebono
  • F# Pygmy
  • F# Egyptian
  • F# Minor Blues
  • F# Major
  • F# Melog: A bright, open, major tuning with it's heart on it's sleeve...
  • F# Major Blues
  • F Minor
  • F Akebono
  • F Pygmy
  • F Egyptian
  • F Minor Blues
  • F Major
  • F Melog
  • F Major Blues

Tuning in 432Hz is possible and can be provided by our services!!!


HAPI mini

HAPI mini


merlyn webshop

It’s so easy to bring along your Mini HAPI Drum anywhere you go, and even has its own padded Travel Bag for storing and transporting your new Hapi Mini Drum. This drum uses the same eight note layout as the other Hapi drums which adds harmonic tones to each note when played. A bottom port helps let the sound out to fill the room and the rubber feet allow it to be set on any surface for playing.

Attractive hammered copper powder coat finish inside and out. It is a durable protective layer for your drum that adds a nice textured finish.
Dimensions: 20,5 cm wide by 13,97 cm high. Weight 1.54 kg

The HAPI MINI is available in 4 different tunings:

  • C Major pentatonic (c’  d’  e’  g’  a’  c’’  d’’  e’’)
  • D Major pentatonic (d’  e’  f#’  a’  h’  d’’  e’’  f#’’)
  • D Akebono (d’  e’  f’  a’  ais’  d’’  e’’  f’’)
  • D Pygmy (d’  e’  f’  a’  c’’  d’’  e’’  f’’)

HAPI mini





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HAPI Tini-Play-Along™ Drum
Our Tini-Play-Along drum is great for playing songs and also for free form jamming. This is a minor scale based on A, with the pitches A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Its key signature has no flats and no sharps. Its relative major is C major. A4 is the lowest note and A5 is the highest note. It is very compatible with other instruments. Because of its high voice (this our highest voiced drum) it works well as the melody over top of a bass rhythm. Pairs great with many of our other drums and fun as a stand alone instrument. The notes along the left or right side are all harmonically compatible so it makes it easy to come up with fun patterns to play. While it can be played with fingers the smaller tongue sizes make it so the best sound is with our included free mallets. It is very small and portable but like our other drums has a strong well balanced sound. Take it with you everywhere and spread the joy of music!

12 songs (and numbers for the drum) are included. Easily play this drum without the songs too. There are no wrong notes! Play any note in any order and this drum sounds great!

Scale: A Minor (A4, B, C, D, E, F, G, A5)
Dimensions: 16cm wide by 7,5cm high
Weight: 1kg
Color: Blue


  • HAPI Tini-Play-Along™ Drum Travel Bag
  • HAPI Drum Mallets (pair)
  • Instruction Booklet with 12 songs
  • Sound isolating rubber feet (installed) for playing on any surface!

HAPI carry bag


HAPI 432Hz

HAPI 432Hz



Our 432Hz tuned HAPI Aura Drum is used for yoga, meditation and music therapy to help ease the mind and relax the body. Discover a natural way to find calm, any time of the day. Its soothing sound will help your body and mind to unwind bringing you to a state of tranquility day or night. Meditation is known to reduce stress and anxiety. It promotes emotional health and a stronger understanding of yourself. Focus on the present. Reduce negative emotions. Increase your imagination and creativity.

Drumming meditation:
Set aside time for yourself and sit in a comfortable and relaxed area, away from distractions. Begin drumming a slow beat with total reflection. Your only attention is on your drumming; focus on the way your hands move, the way your arms lift, feel the vibration of your hands or mallets on the drum. If a thought comes to mind for analysis, don't get upset and fight it, simply return your concentration to the drum and your playing technique. When you begin to notice a sense of oneness with the drum, feel free to change your rhythm or add beats to it, and as your contemplation deepens, nothing will exist except the drum and you. Imagine your unique mark on the world, of what lies ahead, and the discoveries beyond where you are now. When you feel your meditation is complete, stop drumming and have a slow and gentle stretch. You will notice how refreshed and invigorated you feel. Your mind cleared from the clutter of too many thoughts.

Our HAPI Aura Drum has a sleek design and can be carried with one hand. It is recommended for beginner, intermediate and advanced players. Our patented eight note tongue layout adds harmonic tones to each note when played. The bottom port lets the sound out to fill the room. Isolating rubber feet located on the bottom of the drum allow it to be set on any surface for play.

Scale: B Akebono (B3, C#4, D4, F#4, G4, B4, C#5, D5)
Dimensions: 25cm wide by 12,5cm high
Weight: 2,5 kg
Color: Purple


  • HAPI padded Travel Bag
  • HAPI Drum Mallets (pair)
  • Sound isolating rubber feet (installed) for playing on any surface!

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"Harmony" Gong Stand
A beautiful gong rack without a cross-beam at the base. This new harmonious shape with a rounded top is made up of only 3 easy-to-mount pieces, so it is very easy to be assembled and disassembled. The gong racks are made of massive beech and are waxed to keep the surface smooth and resistant. These gong racks are suited for any gongs from Ø 40cm up to Ø 120cm.

Harmony stands montage

frameless gong stand

Frameless Gong Stand
This frameless Gong/Tam Tam stand is engineered in a strong frameless manner, in order for one to play a gong or tam tam very easily. Furthermore the stand can be adjusted in height from a very low position up to a high position. Up to 32" / 81cm gong / tam tam size.


  • The perfect add-on tool for these Gong / Tam Tam Stands is the Gong Dampening System. It is designed to consistently mute a gong or tam tam or to variably mute it in a playing situation due to the adjustable dampening pad. It can be adjusted in height to mute all Gong or Tam Tam sizes.
  • A set of four wheels with brakes that attach to the Gong / Tam Tam Stands to make it moveable. An additional tool for ease of mobility.
frameless pro gong stand

Frameless PRO Gong Stand
double gong standThe frameless PRO Gong/Tam Tam Stand is especially made for bigger sized and heavier gongs / tam tams. It is engineered in a strong frameless manner, in order for one to play easily. Furthermore the stand can be adjusted in height from a very low position up to a high position. Pro Gong / Tam Tam Stand Up to 40" / 101cm gong / tam tam size.


  • The additional Gong Holder is an accessory for the frameless PRO Gong / Tam Tam Stand to set up two gongs on top of each other. It is only applicable for the frameless PRO Gong / Tam Tam Stand. Upper gong size up to 32" / 81cm - lower gong size up to 40" / 101cm.
  • The perfect add-on tool for these Gong / Tam Tam Stands is the Gong Dampening System. It is designed to consistently mute a gong or tam tam or to variably mute it in a playing situation due to the adjustable dampening pad. It can be adjusted in height to mute all Gong or Tam Tam sizes.
  • A set of four wheels with brakes that attach to the Gong / Tam Tam Stands to make it moveable. An additional tool for ease of mobility.

gong holder

Budget Gong Stand
A budget gong rack - made in China - with a short 34cm & a long 73cm cross-beam.
These gong racks are suited for any gongs up to Ø 60 cm

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Round Table Gong Stands
The Table Gong Stands are made for small to medium sized gongs. The sturdy compact design allows the gong to be played in a comfortable position on the floor or on a table. Specially designed to allow the gong to swing freely on the stand and remain securely mounted.

Available in four different sizes:

  • up to 13 / 33cm
  • up to 15 / 38cm
  • up to 22 / 56cm
  • up to 26 / 66cm

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Beech Wood Floor Stand
A practical and reliable birch wood stand. Japanese Design. It can be easily taken apart and put together again. Available for gongs from 35cm to 55cm diameter.

We developed this Indonesian style stand made of rattan. There is a loop for the gong, and a birch wood foot to mount the smallest feng gongs of 15, 20 and 25 cm. It is an inexpensive, lightweight timeless design perfect for your coffee or dinner table. Separately packed in a box.

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Allerhande kloppers voor
klankschalen, gongs, trommels, ...

zie ook hier

Deze kloppers zijn speciaal gemaakt om het diepe laag uit een klankschaal te halen.
Er zijn verschillende formaten, voor middelgrote, grote en extra grote schalen.
Deze handgemaakte kloppers halen alles uit de klankschaal wat er in zit, mits het goede gewicht klopper wordt gebruikt.

Als regel geldt: hoe meer gewicht de schaal heeft, hoe zwaarder de klopper moet zijn.
De bol van de klopper bestaat voor 95% uit recyclagemateriaal.
De stokken zijn van shishamwood, grenen of rotan.
Deze stokken zijn handgedraaid en afgewerkt met een meubelnagel.

Chalklin mallets

Chalklin mallets zijn topkwaliteit kloppers voor xylofoons, vibrafoons en marimba's, maar ze zijn tevens zeer geschikt voor klankschalen. Ze zijn vervaardigd uit de fijnste rotan stokjes met een omwonden wolgaren kop. Door de lichte buigzaamheid van de rotan, voelt een Chalklin mallet heel comfortabel aan tijdens het bespelen. Hardheden van de kop variëren van zacht, medium, ... tot medium-hard en hard, zodat ieder zijn gading kan terug vinden in dit mooie gamma.

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Drum beaters

  • Hand made

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Gong beater "Teddy Fur"

  • Top quality gong beaters
  • Beater heads with extra weight
  • Available from "diam. 10cm/250g/45cm long" to "diam. 13cm/1300g/55cm long"

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